Esther CIM

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Before creating those beautiful visuals, we did some research. We placed two mirrors facing eachother and one in the middle of them and played around with some basic lights, to see the effect. Although it's very minimal, the results raised my expectations. This zip-file (7,17mb) contains some photo's and a videoclip of the experiment.


Ok, here are the definitive mockups and concept document. Both are downloadable in pdf. Have fun with it!
Concept Document

Monday, May 08, 2006

Concept Urban Screen

Read this! Its brand new, its our concept: Square Lights.
Download the PDF and enjoy yourself.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Assignment 1: Profile a place

Zandvoort – Het De Favaugeplein (The De Favaugesquare)
- Worst public space -

De Favaugesquare in Zandvoort is a square that has nothing on it except a few lampposts and a couple of round blocks. The entrance to the square is a steep path with fences on one side and stairs from a few steps on the other side. Besides the lampposts and the blocks there is one little statue, an old man on a bench who’s probably watching the sea. You can sit next to him and also watch the sea, or you can make a photo of you and the man. But that’s it.

It is a relatively large square, but no events are organised and I don’t even think the square has a purpose. Sometimes I see a group of skaters in front of the square skating, but never on the square itself. Maybe if there were more skate attributes on the square, like a halfpipe or obstacles or ramps, it could be a skaters square.
Only a few times a year there is a fleemarket at the square. This is a good location for a market, because it’s such large square. I’m surprised this doesn’t take place more often.

Also the square isn’t accessible for people in wheelchairs or people with a pram. The fences in front of the steep path are blocking the way for these people. It is very hard to get around the fences. If you have a pram it maybe is a little bit simpler. Also a public space should be accessible for everybody but this square doesn’t.
There is also a very eerie lean-to that doesn’t fall into place there and has no purpose.

In front of the square are benches facing the sea so you can sit down and watch the sea. But why aren’t they at the square... And there is no green at the square, no bushes or grassfield or trees.
Overall you can say it is a depressing square. I don’t want to go there for fun and if I want to watch the sea I’ll be at the boulevard on a bench or at the beach.